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Benchmarking Bates White, LLC 401(K) Plan in Washington, DC against
... has the 6th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($12,662) of the 303 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 12th-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (18.58%) among the 303 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($14,066) of the 142 plans whose industry group is Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services. (MORE)

... has the highest net income per total participant ($42,060) of the 148 plans within 50 miles with at least 258 active participants. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest net income ($16,655,937) of the 37 District of Columbia plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (18.58%) among the 37 District of Columbia plans. (MORE)

... has the 6th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($12,662) of the 36 plans in Washington, DC. (MORE)

Of the 37 plans in District of Columbia, Bates White, LLC 401(K) Plan in Washington, DC is one of just 7 that are better than the overall plan medians in each of total income, net income, participant loans as a percentage of plan assets, and yield on beginning-of-plan-year total assets (4 total). (MORE)

... has the 7th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($12,662) of the 37 District of Columbia plans. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest net income per total participant ($42,060) of the 37 District of Columbia plans. (MORE)

Of the 37 plans in District of Columbia, Bates White, LLC 401(K) Plan in Washington, DC is one of just 9 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant (the entire set of 5). (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($14,066) of the 88 plans in the Mid Atlantic that don't provide participant-directed brokerage accounts as investment options, whose economic sector is Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, and have 100 to 499 total participants. (MORE)

... has the 7th-most in total assets ($83,318,587) of the 27 plans in the Mid Atlantic whose economic sector is Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services and are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant (the entire set of 5). (MORE)