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Benchmarking Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan in Milwaukee, WI against
... has the 11th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($21,131) of the 940 plans that don't provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($21,131) of the 792 plans that provide participant-directed brokerage accounts as investment options. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest average participant cash contribution per active participant ($21,131) of the 388 Great Lakes plans. (MORE)

... has the 4th-highest average account balance ($478,974) of the 197 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 10th-fewest total participants (596) of the 202 plans that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant (the entire set of 5). (MORE)

... has the highest net income per total participant ($78,484) of all the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest average account balance ($478,974) of the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($17,098) of the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

... incurs the 4th-lowest total administrative expenses ($1,000) of the 47 plans whose industry group is Other Financial Investment Activities. (MORE)

... has the 11th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($17,098) of the 106 plans that don't provide for automatic enrollment and whose economic sector is Finance and Insurance. (MORE)

In the Great Lakes area with its 388 plans, only Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan in Milwaukee, WI has both such a high diversity of asset types (28.9%) and such a low total administrative expense per participant ($1.68). (MORE)

... incurs the 3rd-lowest total administrative expenses ($1,000) of the 29 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-lowest total administrative expense ratio (0.000%) among the 29 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-lowest total administrative expense per participant ($1.68) of the 29 plans within 50 miles. (MORE)

Of the 29 plans within 50 miles, Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan in Milwaukee, WI is one of just 5 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per total participant, average account balance, active-participant contributions per head, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant (the entire set of 5). (MORE)

Of the 29 plans within 50 miles, Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan in Milwaukee, WI is one of the 10 that are lower than the overall administrative medians in each of other administrative expenses, total administrative expenses, and total administrative expense ratio. (MORE)

... has the least participant loans as a percentage of plan assets (0.00%) among the 197 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 9th-highest diversity of asset types (28.9%) among the 111 plans in the Great Lakes area that are an ERISA section 404(c) plan, self-administered by the plan sponsor, and don't provide for automatic enrollment. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-fewest active participants (467) of the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

... has the 4th-lowest total expenses ($5,060,504) of all the 2,188 plans. (MORE)

... has the 10th-most in other general investments ($176,540,368) of all the 2,188 plans. (MORE)

... has the fewest total participants (596) of the 1,964 plans with at least $7,732,613 in cash contributions from participants (Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan is at $9,868,344). (MORE)

... has the 7th-most in partnership/joint venture interests ($40,000) of the 388 Great Lakes plans. (MORE)

... has the least in participant loans ($0) of the 197 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the most in partnership/joint venture interests ($40,000) of all the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

... has the 3rd-fewest living participants (596) of the 197 plans that are not a profit-sharing plan. (MORE)

... has the 2nd-fewest living participants (596) of the 60 Wisconsin plans. (MORE)

Of the 60 plans in Wisconsin, Artisan Partners Holdings LP 401(K) Plan in Milwaukee, WI is one of just 4 that have 500 to 999 total participants. (MORE)