Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Retirement Savings Plan in New York, NY has the 12th-highest net income ($97,626,642) of the 129 plans whose industry group is Legal Services. Those $97,626,642 compare to an average of $53,237,952 across the 129 plans.
Note: net income = total income - total expenses
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Retirement Savings Plan has these standings
among those 129 peer plans:
- net income = $97,626,642 (12th-highest)
- total income = $137,251,245 (14th-highest)
- total expenses = $39,624,603 (27th-highest)
Only Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Retirement Savings Plan in New York, NY is in that area
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP Retirement Savings Plan in New York, NY has the 12th-highest net income ($97,626,642) of the 129 plans whose industry group is Legal Services. Those $97,626,642 compare to an average of $53,237,952 and standard deviation of $26,272,706 across the 129 plans.
beat out by WSGR 401(K) and Profit Sharing Plan in Palo Alto, CA ($130,086,228), Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP Retirement Plan in Wheeling, WV ($125,484,356), Littler Mendelson 401(K) Plan and Trust in San Francisco, CA ($123,027,380), and Crowell & Moring LLP Retirement Plan in Washington, DC ($120,280,057), and 7 others, ending with Seyfarth Shaw LLP 401(K) Savings and Retirement Plan in Chicago, IL ($98,232,650).
beat Dentons US LLP Profit Sharing Plan in Chicago, IL ($95,784,180), Squire Patton Boggs Retirement Savings Plan in Cleveland, OH ($94,803,025), Fenwick & West LLP 401(K) Retirement Savings Plan in Mountain View, CA ($90,639,974), and Jackson Lewis P.C. Retirement Savings Plan in West Harrison, NY ($85,654,106), and 113 others, ending with Profit Sharing and 401(K) Plan for Employees of Carlton Fields in Tampa, FL ($9,075,469).
whose industry group is. The industry group is the first four digits from the six-digit NAICS business code, Line 2d in Form 5500, which best describes the nature of the plan sponsor’s business, from the available list. If more than one employer or employee organization is involved, filers are asked to enter the business code for the main business activity of the employer and/or employee organizations. Except where noted, all data come from the 25-October-2023 updates to the year-2021 5500 Forms and Schedule H from the public websites at the Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration.
net income. Higher values are better. Net income, Line 2k from Schedule H, equals total income (Line 2d) minus total expenses (Line 2j), all from Schedule H. Except where noted, all data come from the 25-October-2023 updates to the year-2021 5500 Forms and Schedule H from the public websites at the Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration.