Plans » Benchmarking Engine
Benchmarking Attenti US, Inc Retirement Plan in New York, NY against
Within 50 miles, Attenti US, Inc Retirement Plan in New York, NY has the least net assets (assets minus liabilities) ($10.00M) of the 640 plans with at least $433,765 in cash contributions from employers (Attenti US, Inc Retirement Plan is at $680,165). (MORE)

... has the least net assets (assets minus liabilities) ($10.00M) of all the 44 plans whose industry group is Communications Equipment Manufacturing. (MORE)

Of the 44 plans whose industry group is Communications Equipment Manufacturing, Attenti US, Inc Retirement Plan in New York, NY is one of just 8 that are better than the overall participant averages in each of net income per active participant, employer contributions per active participant, and total administrative expense per participant. (MORE)

... incurs the 8th-lowest total administrative expenses ($5,848) of the 44 plans whose industry group is Communications Equipment Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 8th-highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($4,332) of the 44 plans whose industry group is Communications Equipment Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the 5th-lowest total expenses ($192,547) of the 222 plans within 50 miles whose economic sector is Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the highest average employer cash contribution per active participant ($4,332) of all the 28 plans in New York, NY whose economic sector is Manufacturing. (MORE)

... has the least in total assets ($10.00M) of the 560 plans in New York, NY. (MORE)