- Benchmarking Engine
- Comparison Engine
- Scoring Engine
- Discovery Engine
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Product Tour
This walkthrough helps you learn about the OnlyBoth® Benchmarking Engine.
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click on 'End Tour' at the upper right of the Tour box.Questions
Click on one of the core benchmarking questions.
Data Table
Get full statistics on all the numeric attributes.
The Benchmarking Engine compares the target to all peers, discovers insights, and writes these up in perfect English.
For everybody or group queries, the Benchmarking Engine considers all the insights that match the query's entities, ranks these insights by noteworthiness, and assigns them to the appropriate question on the left.
Some insights are visualized to provide a complementary picture.
Provides extra context for the insight.
Taking Action
In commercial applications, our customers can recommend specific actions to users in order to follow up on what is revealed by an insight.
If available, this lists the source of the input data and mentions any changes we made to the data.
This summarizes the input data for the selected target entity.
This summarizes the input data for the target entity.
Best in Class
Select metrics to see the best achievement among the class of peers most similar to the target entity.
Now What?
In some applications, see recommended actions based on the current benchmarking insight.
Share Insight
Share the insight by email with someone else.
Most Similar
View the list of peers most similar to the benchmarked entity.
These diagrams contrast the target entity with its most similar peers along several dimensions.
Examine in sequence the answers to the benchmarking questions for the selected entity. The answers are ranked by noteworthiness.
Examine in sequence the answers to the benchmarking questions for your query. The answers are ranked by noteworthiness.
Filter the insights based on (a) specific plans that interest you, (b) specific attributes that interest you, and (c) specific value judgments of good, bad, ambivalent, or neutral.
Filter the insights based on (a) specific attributes that interest you, and (b) specific value judgments of good, bad, ambivalent, or neutral.
Filter the insights based on specific attributes that interest you.
Filter the data table based on (a) specific attributes of interest, and (b) statistics of interest.
Generate a brief report of this insight.
CSV Export
Download the visible data table as a CSV file.
Send feedback about an individual insight.
Similar Peers
Lists the peers most similar to the target entity that are considered while determining the best in class.
By default, the engine compares a target plan to noteworthy groups of plans and reports outlier behaviors and outcomes for that target. Switch to "most-similar plans" to view instead comparisons to the target’s most-similar peers. Or you can select your own group of plans to compare to.
Search Box
Start typing an entity name and then click on one of the auto-complete options.
Group Analytics
Choose a group and see how the group and its members are doing.
Query across plans
Do a query that forms a subset of entities with certain attributes, or insights that mention certain attributes, and prioritizes all the results by signficance.
Score plans
See all plans ranked by their standout scores.
Edit Query
Revise your query, or re-visit the query in order to copy/paste the URL and share the query and its results with others.
Print Report
Generate an entire report about this plan in PDF.
End of this tour.
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Please contact us with any questions.